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woman with Halo skin laser treatment in the summer

Who Needs a Tan When You’ve Got a Halo?: Why You Should Plan Ahead Of Summer With Halo Skin Laser

Halo skin laser is a revolutionary resurfacing treatment designed to target a wide variety of skin concerns with minimal downtime. It can take years off of skin appearance in as little as one session, and you can reverse sun damage, age spots, and more. 

Laser resurfacing treatments are a great remedy for skin concerns, but you should get them during the right time of year. Whether you have a special event coming up like a wedding or plan on spending your days enjoying the warmer weather, Vively Body Science recommends getting a Halo skin treatment during the offseason for a couple of reasons. 

Your skin will be more sensitive to sunlight and heat.

Sunlight and heat are synonymous with summertime, and you have to be aware of these environmental factors after you receive a Halo skin treatment. 

Recovery periods can last between three to six days, and during this time you’ll need to make sure your skin is properly protected. This is much easier to do during the winter months, where you’re likely spending a lot of time indoors, away from sun exposure and heat. 

You don’t want to miss out on summer fun!

With a Halo skin treatment, you do have to commit to a recovery period to get the amazing results from this procedure. Unfortunately that can be tough to fit into your summer schedule, which may be full of outdoor activities, backyard BBQs, and vacations. 

You don’t want to spend your time away from the fun during your recovery period! Plan accordingly and schedule your Halo skin treatment during these cooler months after the holidays when there’s not much happening.

Halo Hybrid Fractional Laser: What Is It?

Visit Vively Body Science for a Professional Halo Skin Treatment

Vively Body Science is the premier med spa serving patients in the Wayzata, Minnesota area. We have science built into our name for a purpose: to reflect our dedication and knowledge of our products and services for our patients.

Our Halo laser treatments are unmatched. From our highly trained team to our top-of-the-line aesthetic technology, we offer the best Halo skin treatments near you. 

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