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smiling man with halo hybrid fractional laser treatment

Halo Hybrid Fractional Laser: What Is It?

These words sound very technical, and that’s because they are! Halo laser is the world’s first hybrid fractional laser, but what exactly does that mean? Let’s break it down into specific terms.

How Halo Hybrid Fractional Laser Works

The “hybrid” in this hybrid fractional laser refers to its use of both ablative and non-ablative wavelengths to produce amazing results to resurface your skin. 

This combination of wavelengths penetrates both the outer and deeper layers of the skin to effectively rejuvenate your complexion and address a wide variety of skin concerns such as:

    • Sun Spots and Sun Damage
    • Facial Redness
    • Small Veins
    • Fine Lines/Wrinkles
    • Large Pores
    • Uneven Skin Tone/Texture
    • Scars 

Ablative wavelengths vaporize aged skin cell tissue to create dramatic resurfacing improvements by targeting the epidermis (outer layer) of the skin.

Non-ablative wavelengths work to treat the dermis (deeper layer) of the skin by creating small thermal “injuries” and tissue coagulation, increasing the production of elastin and collagen—two proteins that create youthful, glowing skin.

This hybrid technology combines ablative and non-ablative wavelengths to maximize results and minimize patient downtime. In years past, purely ablative laser treatments would require more patient downtime (and cause more discomfort) to get similar patient results. Halo laser makes it so you can receive optimal results with less downtime.

If you have more questions about the Halo hybrid fractional laser, check out our guide to Halo laser treatment!

Why You Should Plan Ahead For Summer With Halo Skin Laser

Visit Vively Body Science for a Halo Treatment

Vively Body Science is the premier med spa serving patients in the Wayzata, Minnesota area. We have science built into our name for a purpose: to reflect our dedication and knowledge of our products and services for our patients.

Our Halo laser treatments are unmatched. From our highly trained team to our top-of-the-line aesthetic technology, we offer the best Halo laser treatments near you. 

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