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fit man running to maintain cooltone results

How To Maintain Your CoolTone Results

Your CoolTone results can help you feel confident in yourself and even boost your strength and activity levels. So how do you keep them? 

Let’s discuss what you need to know to maintain your CoolTone results. 

First off, is CoolTone permanent?

The short answer is: not necessarily. You can maintain your CoolTone results with a balance of a healthy diet and exercise. Just like muscle toning with regular exercise, CoolTone is not permanent without maintenance. Essentially, you use it or lose it. Just like you need maintenance exercise to keep up your fitness level from the gym, we recommend maintenance plan options after your CoolTone treatment.

Muscle Facts: How To Get Toned Muscles →

Maintaining Your CoolTone Results 

We typically recommend monthly maintenance CoolTone treatments to keep up your results. Some patients do CoolTone once every two weeks for maximum results. Our specialists at Vively can assess your individual results and goals to create a CoolTone maintenance plan tailored for you.

Though some report how much they love the strengthening benefits (muscle building), many of our patients say that the look of the results is their favorite part of CoolTone! 

Schedule a free consultation with at Vively Body Science

We take the time to get to know you to find the best aesthetic solutions to help you achieve your goals. The team at Vively Body Science is made up of talented professionals who take the time to listen and create customized treatment plans for each patient’s unique needs. If you’re looking for further information on our CoolTone treatment, check out our guide to CoolTone.

Our medical spa in Wayzata, Minnesota serves residents of Wayzata, Minnetonka, Minneapolis and its western suburbs. Give us a call at 952.388.3113 to book a complimentary CoolTone consultation or schedule online today! 

We also offer free virtual consultations from the comfort of your home! Simply choose through your area(s) of concern for a customized and confidential treatment recommendation list sent straight to your inbox.

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