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confident man happy with look after botox near me in minneapolis

Botox® Near Me in Minneapolis | Lively Body Science

Aging is amazing. We know more, we grow as human beings, and we get to enjoy the world another day. However, it has its downfalls, too. The person you see in the mirror could look more and more like a stranger. Changes in facial contours, in skin texture, in skin tone—these happen because of aging too.

Something else that’s amazing? You can help slow down (or stop!) the causes of wrinkles, and even reverse them, with Botox near you in Minneapolis. When you combine Botox with other treatments at Vively Body Science, you can create a line of best defenses for battling aging skin. 

What is Botox?

You’ve heard of it, but what is it? Botox is a brand name based on the scientific term “botulinum toxin.” The bacterium “clostridium botulinum” produces the toxin. Doctors use it in small doses to treat a number of health and/or aesthetic issues. 

How does Botox near me in Minneapolis work?

Your face has muscles that repeatedly contract to make your expressions. As you age, that muscle contraction affects the skin above those muscles, creating what are called “expression lines.” 

Botox treatments relax the facial muscles, keeping them from fully contracting. By doing so, those lines and wrinkles soften to create smoother, more youthful-looking skin. 

As one of the most popular injectables on the market, Botox injections, reduce and prevent wrinkles caused by frowning, smiling, and other facial expressions. They can also help patients address a variety of other concerns, and Botox can even provide a slimming effect on the face. 

Why would I want Botox?

There are several reasons you might want to enjoy the results of Botox near you:

  • Younger lips: Pretty pouts to lucious smiles.
  • More symmetrical lips: For a more even smile.
  • Reduced wrinkles: See the inside you outside too.
  • Additional skin smoothness: Silky to your touch, or anyone else’s.
  • Decreased perspiration in axilla, palms or soles.
  • Slimming of jawline.
  • Improved confidence: Be all you, anywhere.

Types of wrinkles

Botox in Minneapolis doesn’t change your physical nature or structure. What it does do is provide a smoother, refreshed, more youthful presentation of yourself. 

For example, it won’t fill in hollows in your cheeks. If you’re looking for that kind of aesthetic improvement, you should probably ask your aesthetic provider about dermal fillers. This kind of injectable can add volume and/or shape to your face.

Botox addresses wrinkles, but the maximum efficacy depends on the type of wrinkle. Botox may not be your first choice for addressing certain lines or wrinkles. Let’s look at the two types of wrinkles, and which Botox works with most effectively. 

Botox for static wrinkles

Have you begun to notice lines appearing along your neck, maybe at the corners of your mouth or across your cheeks? These are most likely “static wrinkles.” They appear due to the natural aging process where elasticity and collagen lessen. Surprisingly, they usually begin appearing when we’re in our 20’s!

In the beginning, static wrinkles are small, but time deepens them permanently. If you don’t address them, they will continue to become more noticeable, especially in these areas:

  • Across the neck
  • Laterally across the cheeks
  • From your nostrils to your mouth corners (nasolabial folds)
  • Below the inside corner of your eye (tear trough lines)
  • From your mouth edges & extending to your jawline (marionette lines)

Static wrinkles stay visible even when your face is at rest. Often, you’ll see this kind of wrinkle appearing along with “jowls.” Botox near you in Minneapolis can help with static wrinkles, but your provider may suggest alternative solutions for this issue.

Dynamic wrinkles

Do you have a facial expression you’re known for? Maybe a special laugh where your eyes “crinkle up,” or a nose-wrinkle the kids have known all their lives? Certain facial movements, when repeated over time, etch lines into our skin. 

When those lines become permanent, they’re considered to be “dynamic wrinkles.” They’re caused by the muscular movement of the skin from the expressions we make repeatedly, and remain even when our muscles relax.

The most common areas dynamic wrinkles show up include:

  • Between the eyebrows (frown lines)
  • Forehead wrinkles (glabellar lines)
  • Crow’s feet (smile lines)
  • Mid-cheek lines (laugh lines)
  • Lip lines (lipstick lines)
  • Bunny lines (sides of nasal bridge)

When we’re young, dynamic wrinkles go away when we stop making the expression. Since the aging process robs skin of collagen, elastin, and other skin-replenishing properties, this repeated stress on the skin creates those permanent wrinkles.

Botox is well-suited to address dynamic wrinkles because it works on the muscles rather than just on the skin.

Read about wrinkle treatments in Wayzata.

What does Botox treat? 

You may not have wrinkles yet, but knowing they start in your 20’s means preventative measures can be taken too. Botox can help to address those early, newly forming wrinkles along with keeping those muscles from forming deeper wrinkles in the future. 

Getting Botox near you in Minneapolis works amazingly to temporarily reduce the appearance of—or prevent—the following: 

  • Wrinkles/lines on the forehead & between the brows
  • Crow’s feet 
  • Lip lines/upper lip (a “Botox lip flip”)
  • Jawline / TMJ
  • Neck lines
  • Lines on lateral brows
  • Nasolabial folds
  • Excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis)
  • Bunny lines (fine lines on the sides of the nose)

One of the pluses of Botox being non-permanent: if you don’t like the results, the effects wear off after a few months. However, if done correctly by your provider, the treatment shouldn’t be noticeable or cause you to look “frozen.” The only thing you should see are wonderfully smooth results! 

The Treatment Process


Before your treatment, you’ll meet with a member of our team of specialists to discuss your goals and how neuromodulators / neurotoxin injections can help. Based on our initial consultation, we’ll create a personalized treatment plan that reflects your desired results. This may include Botox or another brand of neuromodulator, depending on what formula we think will work best for you (more on these below!).


During your procedure, you’ll relax in our comfort-focused treatment room while our specialist injects your neuromodulators or neurotoxins. This is a minimally invasive procedure and should cause very minor discomfort (if any).

Your specialist may offer a topical anesthetic to numb the treatment areas if requested. After a 10- to 15-minute injection process, there is no need for downtime and you can continue your normal activities. 


After your treatments, you can go back to your normal routine, but we advise you to avoid:

  • any facial treatments or manipulation for up to two weeks
  • intense physical activity for 48 hours
  • lying down for the first four hours
  • direct sunlight for several days after your Botox injection.


Though everyone is different, most patients won’t see immediate results. Typically, positive effects begin to show 2 to 3 days after your Botox injections, but can take up to two weeks to see your full results. These results last between 3 to 6 months. To continue their efficacy (and not have to “start over” again), you’ll want to schedule maintenance appointments

The positive effects of Botox near you in Minneapolis do not happen immediately. Typically, you’ll see results starting 2 to 3 days after your injections. Though everyone is different, most people’s Botox results last between 3 to 6 months total. After that, keep long-term results going with maintenance appointments.

What is a Botox Lip Flip? Find out!

Other neurotoxin treatments available at Vively Body Science

Botox may be the best known type of this treatment style, but it’s by no means the only type. You might want to consider these other treatment options, too.


Jeuveau uses ingredients to temporarily make your nerves stop telling your facial muscles to contract, which smooths moderate to severe lines between the eyebrows. It also helps in the “preventative” stage of the aesthetic journey, but can also work for a variety of other cases, too.


Dysport is a neurotoxin that targets moderate to severe frown lines between the brows by creating a reduction of muscle activity in specific areas. Dysport functionsvery similarly to Botox, but because of a slightly different formula, some individuals prefer the performance or feel of it.


Xeomin, an FDA-approved, uniquely purified anti-wrinkle injection, contains a “naked” form of botulinum toxin without accessory proteins. Xeomin addresses frown lines and other muscle-induced wrinkles. 

Xeomin offers a similar treatment and result profile to Botox. In the end, it often comes down to injector and paitent preference.

Botox near you for “the boys”

Guys in Minneapolis have Botox too. A surprising number, actually. And they call it “Brotox.”

The frequent reason is weight loss. Shedding extra pounds works magic for getting back into shape. But even men find out that when they lose weight, that excess adipose might have been helping them hide a number of wrinkles and lines. Now that they’ve slimmed down, those crow’s feet and frown lines and other issues are much more visible.

Brotox works as the most effective way to reduce the appearance of existing wrinkles, and help prevent new ones from forming. More than half a million men have Brotox to achieve handsome, smooth results. 

Related: Fortune Magazine article about Brotox

Botox FAQs

How many Botox units do I need?

The number of injections depends on the severity of lines and the location. For example, crows feet might take 3 injections near the side of each eye, whereas frown lines or forehead lines require 5 injections. Your treatment goals dictate the number of Botox units. 

How much does Botox cost?

Since Botox is priced by the unit, and each vial contains a specific number of units, your provider can give you the cost estimate after your initial consultation. As outlined above, your goals will give your provider the basis for how much Botox is needed.

Am I a candidate for Botox in Minneapolis?

First, you’ll need to be over 21 years of age. Any allergies you have to the botulinum toxin or to the metal in the needles will preclude you from this treatment. Also, you shouldn’t seek Botox near you if you’re pregnant, breastfeeding, or trying to become pregnant. (If you have Botox and you get pregnant afterwards, no need to worry. This is simply a precaution.)

How long are the treatments? 

Most neuromodulator and neurotoxin injection treatments can take up to half an hour depending on the placement and severity of your wrinkles. Often treatments take 15 minutes or less.

What are other uses of Botox near me?

You may have noticed we mention some non-wrinkle-related benefits of Botox. Other uses include treating jaw clenching and TMJ (Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction). Botox can help to relax the muscles causing these issues, thereby relieving pain.

Botox also helps to improve hyperhidrosis, or excessive sweating. This neurotoxin effectively blocks nerve signals that make you sweat, and is applied to armpit or feet areas.

Botox near you & more at Vively Body Science in Minneapolis

Contact us for more information about Botox and other injectable wrinkle relaxers. Or schedule a treatment, and begin your journey to a refreshed, rejuvenated looking you. Sign up for our newsletter to get updates on the latest procedures, events, and specials.

As the go-to MedSpa for Minneapolis in Wayzata, Vively Body Science is committed to promoting healthy living and providing minimally invasive services to foster healthy aging.