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portrait of middle aged man with BBL procedure

BBL Procedure: Which One Is Right For You?

BBL is a revolutionary skin treatment that has been clinically proven to change gene expression of skin cells at the molecular level to resemble younger skin. Unique in its abilities, BBL isn’t just for patients that want to reverse signs of aging. That’s why we want to discuss how a BBL procedure can also treat acne or reduce unwanted hair. 

Forever Clear BBL Acne Treatment

Forever Clear BBL targets acne at the source of breakouts to create blemish-free skin that lasts. The cutting-edge intense pulsed light (IPL) therapy reduces inflammation and triggers your body’s natural healing process. This BBL procedure gives you lasting relief from acne breakouts, helps reduce scarring, and you may be able to avoid harsh acne treatment products after Forever Clear BBL. 

Bonus: Forever Clear BBL can also treat other areas of the body, such as the neck and back.

Forever Bare BBL Hair Reduction

Forever Bare BBL targets hair on the legs, underarms, bikini lines, neck, face, and more to stunt hair growth and give you low-maintenance smooth skin. This BBL procedure uses a lower-fluency light at a high rate to eliminate future hair growth. 

Most patients see the best results after 6 to 8 treatments, and Forever Bare BBL usually yields 80% or more hair reduction and significantly reduces hair coarseness for any remaining hair. 

ForeverYoung BBL Light Therapy

Forever Young BBL is an amazing treatment to target signs of aging such as fine lines and wrinkles, sun and age spots, skin laxity, discoloration, and more. It is the most effective light therapy treatment and addresses a wide variety of skin concerns. Patients enjoy clearer, more youthful skin after this BBL procedure.

A Guide to Reversing Aging With the Forever Young BBL Treatment

Come to Vively Body Science for Your BBL Procedure

As mentioned earlier, BBL has been clinically proven to change skin cells at a molecular level to rejuvenate them to resemble the gene expression of younger skin. These BBL procedures all use this revolutionary technology to target the skin at a deeper level and dramatically improve it. 

With aesthetic medicine, it’s important to have top notch skin treatment providers for the procedure. Vively Body Science is owned and operated by medical physicians. In addition to consistently researching and using industry-leading technology, we hire the best talent in the aesthetic industry; we are a team of exceptionally knowledgeable professionals. 

We have many years of medical and clinical experience, and we take a scientific approach to aesthetic treatments to help us create the best results for our patients. We’d love to meet with you to perform a skin analysis and discuss whether Forever Young BBL is right for you.

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