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Chemical Peel Near Minneapolis: The Benefits of a Customized Chemical Peel

Chemical peels are nothing new, but because of their popularity with celebrity and beauty influencers, they have gained attention from the public in recent years. Finding a chemical peel near Minneapolis that is right for your skin concerns and goals can be a little overwhelming, unless you know what to consider.

What is a chemical peel?

A chemical peel, put simply, is a solution we apply directly to your skin. The chemical mix then goes to work exfoliating your skin by removing the top, dull layer that is often clogged from topical products as well as damaged from UV exposure. What we reveal underneath is brilliant new skin that looks and feels refreshed and glowing. 

No matter which type of peel you choose, whether it be a light/cool, medium, or deep/aggressive peel, the process should be an outpatient procedure performed by a health and beauty professional. 

Reasons to get a chemical peel near Minneapolis

Cell turnover, moisture retention, and collagen production may not be terms you’re used to hearing, but they are important nonetheless. Attention to these factors will lead to noticeably more beautiful, healthy, and vibrant skin! 

As the skin ages, it becomes less effective at producing collagen and holding in moisture. Choosing a peel can greatly improve collagen production and hydration with dramatic results.

Chemical peels have a variety of advantages. They allow for rejuvenation of the skin by uncovering and unblocking your pores. Choosing a chemical peel can help reduce wrinkles and leave skin looking younger and healthier. Certain peels can even help erase acne or traumatic scars! 

Chemical peels also help encourage collagen production, which will cause your skin to look fuller and tighter. And afterwards, you will also find your moisturizers and other skincare products are more effectively absorbed in the fresh skin. This also improves cell turnover rates, meaning your facial skin cells regenerate much faster. Every time you touch your skin, you’ll feel the difference!

Different levels of peels 

Light chemical peel

A light/cool chemical peel, also referred to as a superficial peel, is exactly what it sounds like. It is the least aggressive and works on the outermost layer of the skin. It sloughs away dead skin, which helps improve an uneven skin tone. A light peel will help with moisture absorption and retention. Choosing a peel on the lighter end can also help with the removal of fine wrinkles and signs of acne. We can perform these peels every 3 to 6 weeks. This will result in skin you’re proud of!

Medium chemical peel

Choosing a medium chemical peel will have similar effects to a light peel. However, a medium peel can reach further down into the skin to the middle layers of dermis. Because it is a stronger peel, it can improve the appearance of acne scars and deeper wrinkle lines better than a lighter peel. A medium chemical peel only needs to be performed every 3 to 6 months, as recommended by your provider.

Deep chemical peel

As you may have guessed, a deep peel, also known as an aggressive peel, penetrates even further down into your skin. We use aggressive peels to treat some of the deepest acne scars, wrinkles. Since this treatment is so strong and produces significant results, we won’t need to repeat this procedure with regular frequency. Once or twice a year is all we would recommend you have us perform a deep peel.

Are there risks when getting a chemical peel?

When choosing a peel, the most important factor is trusting a knowledgeable medical professional to guide you through the process and perform your peel. You should have an experienced, qualified provider apply your peel, especially when using a medium or deeper, more aggressive peel. Improper application can cause complications.

Light peels do not carry a lot of considerations when weighing benefits and risks. They are fairly easy on the skin and don’t require a lot of downtime for recovery. 

A deeper, more aggressive type may not be for everyone. It is important to review the risks and rewards associated with choosing peels that are more aggressive. 

Who is not a candidate for a chemical peel near Minneapolis? 

You may not be a candidate for a chemical peel if you:

  • Are pregnant or plan to become pregnant soon
  • Have frequent cold sore outbreaks
  • Have been taking prescription strength acne medications
  • Have rigid areas of skin brought on by overgrowth of scar tissue

Preparing for your chemical peel

We will review your medical history extensively to avoid complications before you receive a chemical peel. This will include medications you are taking or have taken, as well as your individual health conditions. We will administer a physical exam prior to a peel. We will discuss your expectations and goals for getting a peel.

Your doctor may also…

    • Prescribe a retinoid cream. These creams help encourage the production of collagen in the skin. You should do this for a few weeks leading up to a peel to help improve recovery speed.
  • Prescribe an antiviral medication. You may use this medication before and after your peel to reduce the risk of a viral infection.
  • Recommend avoiding sun exposure. Limit your sun exposure prior to a peel to help reduce changes in skin pigmentation.
  • Recommend a bleaching agent. Along with a retinoid, your doctor may also advise the use of a bleaching agent to further reduce the risk of side effects.
  • Advise you to avoid hair treatments. You should avoid hair treatments such as dying, straightening, or perming your hair in the week leading up to your appointment.
  • Recommend avoiding exfoliating skin products. You will refrain from using facial scrubs and masks for a week prior to a peel to help reduce the risk of skin irritation.
  • Advise you to avoid hair removal. You will want to avoid hair removal treatments like depilatories, electrolysis, and waxing a week or two before a chemical peel to further reduce the risk of skin irritation.

What you should expect: The chemical peel process 

Before your procedure

We will perform your chosen chemical peel near you at our office in Wayzata at a time that’s convenient for you—you may choose to take the rest of the day off work afterwards. 

We will protect your hair, clean your face, and we will cover your eyes with gauze and tape or goggles.

Depending on the strength of the peel used, we will provide pain relievers. For a light peel, you won’t need medications. 

During your peel

Light peel

With a light chemical peel, we use a brush or sponge to apply a solution containing acid to your face. The most common ingredients we use at Vively Body Science include glycolic or salicylic acid. It is normal to feel a slight stinging with the solution, but nothing extreme. Afterwards, we apply an acid-neutralizing solution to remove the chemical peel from your skin.

Medium peel

For a medium peel, we will use trichloroacetic acid, possibly in combination with a glycolic acid. We will administer the acid with a cotton-tipped applicator.

After a brief period, your doctor will apply a cool compress to calm the treated area. A medium peel doesn’t require a neutralizing agent like a light peel does. If you’d like, you may also choose to use a handheld fan to help ease skin irritation. Typically, your skin’s immediate reaction will only last for about 20 minutes.

Deep/Aggressive peel

If we determine that a deep peel would be beneficial to your skin, we will use a cotton-tipped applicator similar to a medium peel, except it will be used to apply carbolic acid, known as phenol, to the skin. Phenol is a strong chemical and will be applied in 15-minute increments. A full facial can take approximately 90 minutes.

After your peel

Regardless of which level of treatment you choose, you will experience redness after your procedure. Swelling and irritation are also likely to occur and will have a stronger effect in more aggressive peels. It is important to avoid itching, scratching, or rubbing treated skin.

Your Vively provider will instruct you on skin care after a peel, which will include proper skincare, including, moisturizing, protective ointments, and sunscreen. 

Light peel

Your skin will be sensitive, red, and probably a little dry immediately after treatment. You will notice these effects lessen with repeated treatments at regular intervals. You can apply petroleum jelly to soothe the skin. It is usually okay to return to wearing most makeup the following day. Full recovery of the skin typically occurs within a week of treatment, possibly as soon as the next day. It is normal for skin to appear lighter or darker after a treatment and is temporary.

Medium peel

Your skin is likely to sting a bit after a medium-strength chemical peel. Swelling and redness are common and nothing to worry about. We will apply petroleum jelly to ease discomfort. We advise patients to wait 5 to 7 days before using makeup products. 

Your skin will take a week or two to heal, redness may persist for a couple months, but you can cover it with makeup. You may also choose to use over-the-counter pain relievers, such as ibuprofen or naproxen, to ease any discomfort you may experience during your recovery. We will also schedule a follow-up appointment to monitor your healing progress after treatment.

Deep/Aggressive peel

This level of peel carries the strongest effects during recovery, but we will walk you through the healing process from start to finish, both before and again after your treatment. Rejuvenated skin will develop in a couple of weeks, and your skin may become darker or lighter and will be more sensitive to the sun. Many people who receive aggressive chemical peels choose to remain at home and rest for much of the healing process. 

After about two weeks, when the top layer of your skin has completed its peel, you will be able to wear cosmetic products to cover any redness, along with regular sunscreen usage to protect your new, fresh, and youthful-looking skin!

We will find the right chemical peel for you!

The results of a light peel are subtle and are suitable for a variety of minor skin care needs. The recovery and discomfort are minimal and short-lived. Minor wrinkles and scarring benefit well from a light treatment. 

A medium peel will leave skin feeling much smoother, along with helping with wrinkles and scars. The recovery is a little more extensive, but nothing that will inhibit you for an extended period. 

Deep/aggressive peels are how they sound and have powerful effects to consider. Recovery can be lengthy with this approach, but results are dramatic and long-lasting. 

Light/cool and aggressive peels are quite different procedures in terms of preparation and recovery. In some cases, a cool peel may suit your needs. It is the least uncomfortable peel available and offers many benefits with minimal downtime. Aggressive peels aren’t for everyone but for those who do benefit, the results are dramatic. 

Chemical peels aren’t the only thing to consider when deciding on an effective beauty treatment plan. Dermablading can be a great supporting procedure to achieve healthier, fuller, and more radiant skin!

Visit Vively Body Science for a chemical peel near Minneapolis

We are a medical spa owned and operated by physicians with over forty years of combined experience. We take pride in providing science-backed treatments for our patients to help them feel great in their skin. 

Chemical peel near Minneapolis are an easy and relaxing treatment for anyone looking to improve their skin’s appearance and health. If you’re interested in a chemical peel near you, schedule a free consultation online or call us at 952.388.3113 for an appointment. 

Our patients visit us from all over Minnesota’s Twin Cities and western suburb areas. Vively Body Science is conveniently located at 1133 Wayzata Blvd East, Wayzata, Minnesota.

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