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Woman holding products from MN skincare experts.

Maximize Your Treatment Results With Advice From MN Skincare Experts

Facials, lasers, and injectables can provide amazing results, but your everyday skincare routine determines how long these results will last. Are you guilty of neglecting your skincare? 

If so, MN skincare experts are here to help! Vively Body Science is a physician-owned and operated wellness clinic that offers safe, advanced, and effective aesthetic treatments. Co-founders Dr. Laurel Martini and Dr. Joshua Martini have extensive experience that guides all our skincare treatments and recommendations. 

Whether you just had a non-surgical face lift in Wayzata or you simply want to improve the health and appearance of your skin, let’s talk about two of the most important skincare tips. 

1. Use medical-grade skincare

Making the switch to medical-grade products is one of the best things you can do for your skin. Medical-grade skincare is only available through medical professionals and is significantly more effective than the skincare available at your local drugstore or high-end department store. 

Medical-grade skincare has prescription-strength ingredients and clinical research studies to prove the product works. Unlike over-the-counter products that make claims without any evidence, you’ll find studies to back up every medical-grade product. 

2. Protect yourself from the sun

Protection from sun exposure is crucial to your skin health. Sun exposure is one of the quickest ways to age your skin and reverse the results from your in-clinic treatments. MN skincare experts at Vively recommend wearing sunscreen every day (even in the cold Minnesota winters). More importantly, protecting your skin from harmful UV rays is one of the most important steps to prevent skin cancers.

But UV protection doesn’t stop at sunscreen. When you are out in the sun, think about protecting your skin by: 

  • Finding shade under trees or umbrellas
  • Wearing a hat with a wide brim to protect your face
  • Choosing clothing that offers UV protection 

If you have questions about your skincare, send a message to the professionals. 

Visit Vively Body Science to learn more from MN skincare experts 

If you are ready to improve your health and wellness, Vively Body Science is here to help. Our physician-owned and operated wellness clinic offers advanced and effective treatments to help you look and feel your best. 

Set up a skin consultation with our experts to discuss your concerns and treatment goals. We’ll create a customized care plan so you can achieve the results you’ve been dreaming about. 

Do you have skin concerns but aren’t sure where to start? Use our free virtual consultation tool to get personalized treatment recommendations from our providers. 

Up Next: Non-Surgical Brow Lift in Wayzata